Wednesday, May 28, 2014

New Parts for Physical Model

For the physical model, we have constructed the hexagonal base and the four caissons which is the primary foundation for the CN Tower. We went to the wood shop and utilized their tools to make the right parts for the tower.

For this week's assignment, we had to mainly focus on making the parts of the physical model and fixing up the Visual Analysis Model. From the previous post of our blog, Island was in charge of fixing the Visual Analysis Model so that it would not fall apart anymore while applying loads to it. Yuan is currently fixing up the Final report for grading in week 10, Michael updates the blog by posting about current progression, and Steven works on the physical model of the tower.

Here are some pictures of the parts we made at the wood shop :

We needed to sand down the sides of the 360 restaurant to make the slants of the part.

This is a picture of the primary parts of the foundation for the tower. There's a hexagonal base below the tower and above the 4 caissons for a strong foundation.
A picture of how the foundation will look like under the tower when all put together.

The main difficulty this week was having the correct visual analysis model because of importing different parts from Creo Parametric. The only solution was to make the tower as a whole and it was correctly shown in the result view. Also, since we don't have considerable experience with the wood shop, some measurements of the parts were inaccurate. We did our best to make the precise cuts that corresponded with the scaled down measurements of the tower. 

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