Creo Parametric Models :
This is how the CN Tower mainly looks like with an antenna, 360 revolving restaurant, glass elevator, three wings, and the foundation of caissons.
Dimensions of the Antenna, top part of the CN Tower. The base of the sketching is the radius of the antenna. This part of the CN Tower was configured by adding extrusion and protrusion.
The research for the foundation of the CN Tower was difficult but a primary source such as Engineering-News Record provided sufficient information. "The tower is anchored by four 30-in dia caissons drilled through 30 ft of earth overburden and as much as 90 ft into shale and one caisson drilled to 350 ft.
The base, wings, and 360 revolving part of the CN Tower was all made with protrusions and extrusions just like the antenna. The assembly of the model looked like this :
The dimensions are based on a Sketch Up drawing which served as our primary source to make the 3D model.
The main challenges in making the 3D model was not having the right dimensions before making this model. The previous model was completely based on researched dimensions off the web. However, the Sketch Up image gave the right dimensions. While assembling the parts in Creo Parametric, some of them did not constraint together correctly. We went through basic trial and error to solve the problem. When creating the wings of the tower to be constraint to the tower, one of them were not inverted correctly when modifying the radius to curve the wing. The solution to this problem was to create the same part with the same dimensions but this time, it was flipped from the vertical axis.
For this week's assignment, it was important to learn the main foundation of the CN Tower which is essential to our physical model of the tower. It was hard to understand the Creo Parametric tools to create the bulge of the wings. With some basic research and tutorials, everything started to come together. It was fun making parts of the bridge and being able to put it together as everyone put in team effort.
We have finally gathered all the materials for the CN Tower. We will be working on the physical model this week at the wood shop.
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